New Years
Ok...This is my second page of New Years...but see my dad was so drunk it was really funny...and i ended up takeing 8 pics of this part of my new years pages is dedicated to my DAD!!!!!!!

Ok this is Jim...This is my Dad....

This is Jim he is get his teammates to say..spray....

in this pic he is trying to do his card....sweep!! trying to do is card which is kinda hard...was glove!

I HAVE NO IDEA what he was doing in this pic...but it looks really funny

this is my dad....struting around acting sexy trying to get his teammates to say neck!!

this is my dad acting really mad...I would have been able to do this one really easy because i have seen him mad lots of times

he is trying to act either horried or way or the other he is really funny looking..

this is the last of him....he is doing something which I have no idea what he is doing.

back to the main page---------->

Back to the first new years page

On to the thrid new years page!!!